Inventory Stocktake Status: In Progress, Complete, Finalized | Zayls

by Zayls
3 years ago

Inventory Stocktake Status: In Progress, Complete, Finalized

There are four status that an Inventory Stocktake can have: In Progress, Complete, Finalized, Voided.

In Progress:

When an Inventory Stocktake is In Progress, this means that the warehouse is still in the process of counting the inventory. Thus, the inventory quantity is still editable. The New Inventory option is also open for a product to be added.

Set In Progress to Complete:

After the warehouse is done counting and inputting the stocktake quantity, you can now set the status from In Progress to Complete.

  1. Select an existing Inventory Stocktake transaction that is set to In Progress.
  2. Click Complete.

3. A Complete confirmation dialog will appear. Click Complete to set the existing Inventory Stocktake to Complete or click Cancel to terminate your action.

4. A message will appear if the Inventory Stocktake is set to Complete successfully.


When an Inventory Stocktake is Complete, this means that the warehouse is finished adding the quantity details of the inventory. The pen logo pen logo under Stocktake Quantity is removed, along with the add option under New Inventory. After completion, the user may recheck the new quantity documented to check if there is a huge variance from the previous recorded on-hand quantity.


The user can change the Complete status into two status:

  1. Back to In Progress.
  2. Finalized.
Set Complete Back to In Progress:

Users can set a Complete Inventory Stocktake back to In Progress if they wish to edit the quantity input of the inventory.

  1. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115
  2. Click Set as In Progress.
  3. A message will appear if the Inventory Stocktake is set to In Progress successfully.
Set Complete to Finalized:

Users can also set the Inventory Stocktake status from Complete to Finalized.

  1. Select an existing Inventory Stocktake transaction that is set to Complete.
  2. Click Finalize.

3. A Finalize confirmation dialog will appear. Click Finalize to set the existing Inventory Stocktake to Finalize or click Cancel to terminate your action.

4. A message will appear if the Inventory Stocktake is set to Finalized successfully.


When an Inventory Stocktake status is set to Finalized, the information details are no longer editable. In addition, a New Stock Adjustment button can be seen when an Inventory Stocktake is Finalized. This allows you to add a Stock Adjustment based on the variance found in your Inventory Stocktake. The user with the correct permission only needs to approve the Stock Adjustment to reflect the inventory movement and this shall rectify or make the physical and system on hand equal.


To know more about the Voided status, click here: Print, Duplicate, or Void an Inventory Stocktake