by Sam Balagtas
9 months ago

Debt Collection Management Before Christmas

9 months ago   •   3 min read   •   Cashflow Management

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and giving. However, for small business owners, it can also be a period of financial stress when managing accounts receivables or debt collection becomes challenging.

While everyone deserves a little break during the holidays, it’s essential to ensure your business doesn’t suffer from delayed payments. In this blog, we’ll provide you with eight practical tips to effectively manage your receivables during the holiday season.

1. Track Receivables

Begin your holiday receivables management by meticulously tracking your accounts receivables. Review your outstanding bills and note how many days they’ve been pending. This will help you keep a close eye on the money coming in and allow you to inform clients about their balances promptly.

2. Sort and Send Invoices Early

Holiday expenses can quickly pile up, making it crucial to be proactive with your invoicing. Send out invoices early, giving your clients a heads-up and ample time to settle their payments before they allocate their funds for other holiday expenses.

3. Multiple Connections

Having a backup plan is always a good idea. Ensure you have multiple contacts for your clients, in case your primary contact person is on vacation or unavailable during the season. This way, you can still collect or remind clients of their dues without any hitches.

4. Patience

It’s essential to remain patient when collecting debt during the holiday season. Remember that it can be a challenging time for most businesses as they juggle increased demand and the Christmas rush. Approach your clients with understanding, even if it feels frustrating.


5. Audit Activities

Recording your collection efforts and payment patterns is a vital step in effective receivables management. This data will help you plan a better strategy for future collections. Utilize tools like Zayls, which can instantly record your collection efforts in an activity log, saving you time and effort.

6. Show Some Spirit

Get creative when reminding your customers about their debts, especially during the holidays. You can start by using warm holiday greetings or sending small gifts. These simple yet thoughtful gestures can subtly convey the message about pending payments while maintaining a positive client relationship.

7. Consider Online Payments

If you haven’t already, it might be the perfect time to introduce online payment options. Utilize eWallets and banking apps to simplify the payment process for your clients. This convenience can encourage them to pay promptly since it’s a hassle-free and quick method.

8. Ask for Help

In some cases, despite your best efforts, clients may not settle their debts during the holidays. If the situation worsens, consider seeking help from a professional collection agency. While it’s the holiday season, you should still establish limits when it comes to these matters to maintain a respectful and professional relationship with your clients.


Managing debt collection or accounts receivables during the holiday season can be challenging, but with careful planning the right strategies, and tools like Zayls you can ensure that your business remains financially healthy. Track your receivables, send invoices early, maintain patience, and consider creative approaches to collect payments. With a thoughtful and well-executed plan, your business can enjoy a financially stress-free holiday season.

Photo by Mikhail Nilov and Pavel Danilyuk via Pexels