Features | Zayls

Breeze through sales and inventory management.

Stay on top of your business operations with Zayls. Know what’s happening in real time, from purchasing to warehouse inventory to sales fulfillment.


Position yourself for growth. Allow Zayls to help you reach new heights.

You’ve done so well with your manual operations or outdated business software, imagine the possibilities of expansion now that you’re going to have a modern cloud-based system.

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Understand your business better. Zayls can help you make better analysis.

Information is power. Zayls offers comprehensive reports that can help in analysis and making better decisions for your business. Better decisions means faster ROI.


Organize it once and let Zayls do the heavy lifting for you. Imagine that.

Set it up once to establish the current inventory status, then let Zayls guide you through the rest. With proper usage and control, get accurate and real-time view of your inventory at all times. All in intuitive and user-friendly user interface.

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We have done the hard work for you.

After years of developing software for clients, we’ve basically figured out what works and what doesn’t. We’ve packaged standard sales and inventory functions into a neat system that you can plug into your operations easily. No messy migrations, no long hours for training and onboarding. Our easy to understand program can be set up in as short as one hour. 

Watch your business grow.

We’ve seen how our software has helped SMEs streamline and scale their operations. Zayls’ basic features and functions address the most common operational needs of sales and inventory management. No more manual spreadsheet computations and tedious data logging. Take your business to the next level.

Don’t believe us? Try it now for free!

Key Features

ZAYLS Icons Accounts Management

Accounts Management

Record all relevant information about your suppliers and customers on the accounts database. Trace transaction histories and payment terms.
  • Multiple Branches and Contacts
  • Multiple Bill To and Ship To addresses
  • Supplier and Customer Groups
  • Assign Sales Agents
  • Tax Category
  • Payment Terms and Credit Limits
ZAYLS Icons Sales Management

Sales and Order Management

Sell to customers seamlessly. Create customer sales orders and track deliveries. Generate invoices and track receivables. Supports order splitting and fulfillment by multiple warehouses. Transactions can done in full or partially. 
  • Quotations
  • Sales Orders
  • Deliveries
  • Sales Returns
  • Invoices
  • Collections
  • Promotions and Discounts
  • Order Splitting
  • Barcode Support
  • Email Instantly to Customers
ZAYLS Icons Purchasing Management

Purchasing Management

Manage ordering of products and services from suppliers. Issue purchase orders and track goods received from suppliers. Manage your accounts payable and returns to suppliers. Supports partial or complete transactions.
  • Purchase Orders
  • Receive Orders
  • Purchase Returns
  • Bills
  • Payments
  • Purchase Discounts
  • Clone Recurring POs
  • Barcode Support
  • Email Instantly to Suppliers
ZAYLS Icons Warehouse and Inventory

Warehouse and Inventory

Monitor and manage inventories in multiple warehouse locations. Easily locate item and track item stock levels by rack, room or warehouse – even remote ones. Organize products into categories and subcategories, with details like cost and price per item.
  • Multiple Warehouse Inventory
  • Product Variants
  • Product Categories
  • Stock Transfer
  • Stock Adjustment
  • Lot/Batch or Expiry Tracking
  • Multiple Product Pricing
  • Inventory Log
ZAYLS Icons Reports Analyses

Reports & Analytics

Translate your data into useful reports for sales analysis and decision making. Standard reports include inventory report, top selling products, accounts receivable, accounts payable, aging reports, and a lot more.
  • User Dashboard
  • Inventory Reports
  • Purchasing Reports
  • Sales Reports
  • Customer Reports
  • Supplier Reports
  • Aging Reports
  • Exportable to PDF or Excel
ZAYLS Icons B2B eCommerce

B2B eCommerce

Setup your personal selling site with your business partners. Partners can order directly through Zayls, and is automatically synced to your sales transactions. Partners get notified of their order status. Sell seamlessly and record transactions accurately.
  • Customer Self-Service Ordering
  • Assign Available Products
  • Assign Product Pricing
  • View Order Statuses
  • Track Payment Dues
  • Transaction Histories
ZAYLS Icons User Access Control

User Access Control

Minimize errors and fraud in your business sales and inventory records. Restrict user access based on roles and functions. Use the audit trail to trace changes done to the system. Identify past errors so you can avoid them in the future.
  • User-Generated Roles
  • Multiple Roles per User
  • Transaction Approvals
  • Audit Logs
ZAYLS Icons Cloud Based System

Cloud-Based System

Enjoy hassle-free and secure access to the system wherever you are. Access your sales and inventory information anywhere, any time, and on any device.
  • No Installations Required
  • Accessible 24/7
  • Encrypted Connection
  • 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Automated backups