Glossary of Terms | Zayls

by Zayls
6 years ago

A-Z Glossary Terms


Accounts Payable Aging Report – A type of report that categorizes payables (money you owe to a supplier) to suppliers by time buckets e.g. 0 to 30 days.

Accounts Payable Report – A type of report that indicates a bill that needs to be paid in the foreseeable future.

Accounts Receivable Aging Report – A type of report that categorizes receivable (money owed by a buyer) based on time buckets e.g. 0 to 30 days.

Accounts Receivable Report – A type of report that indicates a transaction that is awaiting payment from buyers.

Activity Log – A history of all updates created by a user.

Ad hoc transaction – A transaction that is done for a special purpose like a sales return where neither the buyer nor the seller knew what sales order the specific product came from.

Allocated Stock – A stock that has been ordered by a buyer but has not been delivered yet.

Available Stock – The difference between On Hand Stock and Allocated Stock.



Barcode – Is an optical, machine-readable, representation of data; a data that describes a particular object.

Beginning Inventory Cost – Is an inventory account balance at the start of an accounting period.

Bill of Lading – A detailed list of a shipment of goods in the form of a receipt given by the carrier to the person consigning the goods.

Brand – A product manufactured by a company under a particular name; a unique mark created by a company to signify their organization.

Buying Price – The price an individual pay for a product.



Coll. #/ Collection Number – A unique number or a set of numbers that may or may not be system-generated that represents the Collection transaction.

Collection – The act of collecting/receiving payment.

Credit Limit – Maximum allowable credit that a lender gives (a seller) to a particular lender (a buyer).

Credit Memos – A document issued by the seller of goods or services to the buyer, reducing the amount that the buyer owes to the seller. A credit memo may be issued because the buyer returned something from the seller, or there’s a pricing dispute or other reasons where the buyer will not pay for the full amount of the invoice.

Customer – Anyone who buys a product or avails a service.


Date Collected – The date the payment is collected.

Date Transferred – The date the stock is transferred.

Deductions – A reduction in price.

Deliveries – The turning over of goods to a designated recipient or recipients.

Delivery Date – A planned or targeted delivery date.

Delivery Schedule Report – A type of report that shows all planned delivery.

Destination Location – In the case of stock transfers, the destination location pertains to the end point of where your stock will be transferred.

Discount – A decrease in normal selling price typically done for promotional purposes or for giving patrons a reward for their loyalty.

DR# /Delivery Receipt – A unique number or a set of numbers that may or may not be system-generated that represents a specific Delivery transaction.

Due Date – Typically applies to bill and payment; the time in which the company shall make the payment or receive payment.



Enable/Disable – A status that signifies the usability of a particular function.

Ending Inventory Cost – Inventory account balance at the end of an accounting period.

Expiration Date – Pertains to the exact date when a product is no longer edible, ­and the quality is no longer acceptable.



Final Price– Pertains to the price after discount, if there are any, is applied.

Form Numbers – A system-generated sequence that generates unique transaction numbers.



In/Out – A status of stock movements happening.

Incoming Stock – Pertains to an expected incoming stock delivery.

Inventory – A complete list of items such as goods in stock that the company sells.

Inventory Log – Shows the history of all stock movements.

Invoice – A document issued by a seller to a buyer relating to a sale transaction indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller had provided the buyer.

Item Receipts – An act of receiving stocks from a certain Transfer Order.


Line Total – The total amount for the invoice line.

Location – A location where inventory is stored or maintained.

Lot # – Identification number assigned to a particular quantity or lot of material from a single manufacturer.



Net of VAT – Price of a product before adding the value-added tax (VAT)



On Hand Stock – The amount of stock that is available for selling.

Original Price – Pertains to the original selling price created.

Out of Stock – An event where the inventory is exhausted.



Payment Entry – Pertains to the record that has been made that indicates the payment has been made for an invoice or bill

Payment Mode – Pertains to the mode of payment the buyer pays for the goods received e.g. cash and checks.

Payment Terms – The period allowed to a buyer to pay off the amount due; Deferred payment period e.g. 0 to 30 days payment term.

PO#/ Purchase Order number – A unique number or a set of numbers that may or may not be system-generated that represents a Purchase Order transaction.

Price List – Shows the price of all goods in inventory.

Price Matrices – A special price matrix that can be applied to a specific customer group.

Product Attributes – A specific property that differentiates a product e.g. color, size, shape.

Product Category – The generic category/name a product belongs to.

Product Sales per Customer Report – A report that summarizes product sales by categorizing by the sales agent, customer group, and customer.

Product Type – Pertains if a product is available either for buying/selling or both.

Products – A tangible or intangible good that satisfy a need or want that is offered to the market.

Products Variants – Pertains to the different products under the same name that may be distinctive in color, shape, and size.

Purchase History Report – A type of report that shows purchase orders and their status.

Purchase Orders (PO) – A purchase order is a commercial document and the first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services.

Purchasing Price Matrices – A special price matrix that can be applied to a specific supplier account/group.

Purchase Return – A transaction where the buyer returns the goods previously bought to the seller for some reason.



Quantity – The amount or number of materials.

Quantity Allocated – The amount of material or goods allocated but not yet delivered to a customer.

Quantity Available– The difference in the amount of material or goods between Quantity on Hand and Quantity Allocated.

Quantity Incoming – The amount of material or goods available that is ordered and is to be delivered in the foreseeable future.

Quantity on Hand – The amount of material or goods that are in inventory and are ready to be sold.



Reconciliation – Process of ensuring that two sets of records are the same.

Reference # – A set of numbers used as reference or a connection to a specific transaction.  

Regular Discount – A decrease in normal selling price that can only be applied to Price Matrices.

Re-Order Point – The quantity of stocks that would prompt the business to reorder a product.

Restock – In case of Sales Returns, restock pertains to the return of the goods to the inventory count.

RO#/Receive Order Number – A unique number or a set of numbers that may or may not be system-generated that represents a Receive Order transaction.



SA# /Stock Adjustment Number
– A unique number or a set of numbers that may or may not be system-generated that represents the Stock Adjustment Transaction.

Safety Stock  – An expected number of the stock the business should have to avoid the product from going out of stock.

Sales Agent – A person who handles customer accounts.      

Sales Order – An order/document issued by a business to its customers.

Sales Price Matrices – A special price matrix that can be applied to a specific customer account/group.

Sales Return – Merchandise returned by a seller for some reason e.g. incorrect goods delivered.

Selling Price – Pertains to the price normally set after considering the cost of manufacturing, shipment, and marketing.

SKU/ Stock Keeping Unit – Name, or a number assigned to a product to identify the price and other product-related information. An SKU is used to track inventory in a retail store.

Source Location – In the case of Stock Transfer, the source location pertains to the original place where the stock is coming from.

ST# /Stock Transfer Number – A unique number or a set of unique numbers that may or may not be system-generated that represents the Stock Transfer Transaction.

Stock Adjustments – An act of adjusting inventory count e.g. a product was broken or stolen.

Stock Transfers – An act of transferring/shipping stock from one location to another.

Supplier -The source/manufacturer of a product.



Transaction – An instance of buying or selling.

Transfer Order – An act of transferring stocks from one location to another.



Unit Cost 
– Total expenditure incurred by a company to produce, store and sell one unit of a particular product or service.

Units of Measurement – Is a definite magnitude of a quantity that is used as a standard for measurement of the same kind of quantity.



Voided – A status that signifies a transaction is no longer valid.