Can I hide buying price and selling price to certain users? | Zayls

by Andre Sevilla
2 years ago

Can I hide buying price and selling price to certain users?

Yes, admin users can hide buying prices and selling price to their staffs and certain users.

In Zayls, the users that have view permissions for Purchase Order and Products will be able to see Purchase Order module together with the cost and in product show page you would see the “Buying Price” and “Average Unit Cost”.

But if the “view” permission for Purchase Order is disabled and for Products is still enabled, you would still be able to view the products but without the “Buying Price” and “Average Unit Cost”.

Meaning, the enabling of the Purchase Order “view” permission will be the validation if certain users will or will not be able to see the unit cost. That same goes for Sales Order “view” permission for sales transactions.

Below is a sample demonstration:

A. Purchase Order with “View” Permission
Permissions active:
– Products “View”
– Purchase Order “View”
– Receive Order “View

  1. Users will be able to access and view the Purchase Order together with the unit cost and will be able to view the product page.
Screenshot 1 5

2. If users click “Serialized Product”, you will be redirected to the product show page in which buying price and average unit cost is displayed.

Screenshot 2 4
Screenshot 3 3

B. Purchase Order with no “View” Permission
Permissions active:
– Products “View”
– Receive Order “View

  1. Users won’t be able to access and view the Purchase Order module but still be able to view the products page
Screenshot 4 3
Screenshot 5 3

2. If users go to the same product “Serialized Product”, users would not be able to see the buying price and average unit cost anymore.

Screenshot 6 3
Screenshot 7 3