Create or Edit a Daily Sales Summary | Zayls

by Angelica San Juan
2 years ago

Create or Edit a Daily Sales Summary

Create a Daily Sales Summary:

1. In the Daily Sales Summary Overview, click New Daily Sales Summary.

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2. In the New Daily Sales Summary Window, fill up the following details:

  • Location – location or branch of the sales summary that you want to create
  • DS Date – date of the sales summary
  • Cashier on Duty – name of the cashier that is on duty
  • Daily Foot Traffic – number of people who arrive dat the location (optional)
  • Beginning Cash on Hand  – amount of beginning cash, this is auto-filled if there is a previous Daily Sales Summary but can still be edited by the user
  • Total Cash Sale – total amount of Retail Sales Invoice with cash payment mode
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  • Cash In – users can add multiple “Cash In” lines by clicking on the “+ Add Cash Item”
  • Cash Out – users can add multiple “Cash Out” lines by clicking on the “+ Add Expense Item”
  • Ending Cash On Hand – this is equal to the Total Cash In minus the Total Cash Out
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  • Cash Denomination – users can input the quantity per cash denomination and it will give the “Total Cash On Hand” amount at the bottom of the table
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  • Cash Summary – summarizes the total cash
  • Partial Deposit  – user can input the partially deposited amount from the Ending Cash On Hand
  • Balance Deposit – is equal to Ending Cash On Hand minus the Partial Deposit
  • Over/Short – is the difference between the Balance Deposit and Total Cash On Hand from the Cash Denomination. Positive amount means over while negative amount means short.
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3. Once done, click Save to save the transaction or Cancel to terminate the form.

4. A successful message will appear at the top-right hand corner and you’ll be able to see the newly created daily sales summary.

Once saved, a section for the Payment Mode will appear, summarizing the totals for each payment mode.

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Edit a Daily Sales Summary on the Daily Sales Summary Module:

1. Click the Daily Sales Summary you want to edit. Note that those with succeeding Daily Sales Summary cannot be edited

2. Click Edit.

3. Enter the new details and then click Save located at the bottom. A message will appear if the payment is saved successfully.

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Only users with the permission of Daily Sales Summaries – Modify would be able to create or edit a Daily Sales Summaries.

Add Comments to a Daily Sales Summary:

The comment feature allows you to leave important messages to keep everyone informed.

1. In the Daily Sales Summary record, scroll down to view the Comments section.

2. Enter your message in the Comment box.

3. You may also add attachments such as photos or files. Click Add attachment below the Comment box. A Dialog box asking the location of the file will appear. Click the file you want to upload and then click Open.

4. Once finished, click Post. A successful message will appear, and the new message will display on top of the conversation.

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Edit or Delete a Comment:

1. Find the comment you want to edit or delete.

2. Click Pic.

3. To update the comment, click Edit. To delete the comment, click Delete.

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Only accounts with admin account type can edit or delete comments made by other regular users.