Create or Edit a Product | Zayls

by Zayls
6 years ago

Create or Edit a Product

Create a New Product:

  1. In the Products Overview, click New Product.
Create New Product Product Module

2. In the New Product window, enter the new product’s Name, Product Type (For Buying and For Selling), VAT Type, Brand, Category, Unit, Default Buying Unit, Default Selling UnitGross Weight, Dimensions, Number of Attributes, SKU, Barcode, Buying Price, Selling Price, and Reorder Point.

3. Once you are done, click Save to save the new product or Cancel to terminate the form. A message will appear if the product is created successfully.

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To understand each field, please read the following:

  • Name – The name of the specific product.
  • Stock Type 
    • Non-Stockable – This product stock type can be assigned on inventory that is not being sold or stored. The system will not track any transaction quantities of this product stock type e.g. paperclips, staplers, bond papers.
    • Stockable, Regular –This product stock type can be assigned on regular inventory items where quantity is the only property it uses e.g. chair, mugs, t-shirt.
    • Stockable, Serialized –This product stock type can be assigned on inventory items where a unique serial number defines the identity of the product and therefore is needed to be tracked on every movement e.g. machines, mobile phones, wireless earphones.
    • Stockable, Batch Tracked –This product stock type can be assigned on inventory items that are assigned a batch or lot number e.g. slippers, glue, batteries.
    • Stockable, Batch Tracked with expiry date – This product stock type can be assigned on inventory items that are assigned a batch/lot number and an expiry date e.g. medicines, canned goods, perishable goods.
  • Product Type
    • For Buying – This type of product is the one you outsourced from your supplier.
    • For Selling – This type of product is the one you sell to your customers.
  • VAT Type – This is a certain tax rate (0% to 12%) that is added to the selling price of goods or products sold.
  • Unit – This is a definite magnitude of a quantity to specify if the product being purchased or sold is per piece, per dozen, per case, etc.
  • Default Buying Unit – This unit will be automatically used when creating a purchase order for this specific product.
  • Default Selling Unit – This unit will be automatically used when creating a sales order for this specific product.
  • Numbers of Attributes – A product can have several distinct features or appearance and defining each attribute of the product can help you minimize the confusions.
  • SKU – Stock Keeping Unit is a unique code used by the company to identify a specific product.
  • Barcode – This is a machine-readable code in the form of numbers and a pattern that contains the description of a specific product.
  • Buying Price – The cost of acquiring a specific product.
  • Selling Price – The amount of the product in the market. A selling price is VAT inclusive.
  • Reorder Point – The number of stock you need to maintain per product before it goes out of stock.
  • Description – A detailed definition of the product’s characteristics or features.
  • Gross Weight – The total weight of a specific product and its packaging.
  • Dimensions – A measurable extent of a specific product, such as length, width, and height.
  • Brand – This is tagging of the product’s brand name. This tagging is very useful for filters and for reporting.
  • Category – This is tagging of the product’s category to group the product where it belongs.

Stock type can no longer be modified once the new product has been changed.

Edit a Product:

Zayls allows you to edit product details to keep the system updated.

  1. Select an existing Product that you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit and edit the desired details you want to update and once you are done, click Save to save the changes or Cancel to retain the original details. A message will appear if the product is updated successfully.
Edit Product 3

Set up Product Aliases:

Product Aliases is a new feature that will help the company using Zayls to have a smooth transaction between the supplier and customers as Product Aliasing will help them identify the respective Product Names and SKUs they internally used.

Create a New Alias

  1. Select an existing Product that you want to create a new alias.
  2. In the Product window, click Aliases.

3. In the For Buying window, click New Alias.

New Alias Buying

4. Enter the Product Variant, Name Alias, Variant SKU Alias, and Assigned To.

5. Once you are done, click Save to save the new alias or Cancel to terminate the form. A message will appear if the alias is created successfully.

New Product Alias

To understand each field, please read the following:

  • Alias Type – There are two types of alias; For Buying and For Selling. If the type of alias is For Buying, the aliases will be displayed in all of the Purchasing Modules which is between your company and your supplier. While if the type of alias is For Selling, the aliases will be displayed in all of the Sales Modules which is between your company and your customers.
  • Product Variant – A specific product that you want to set an alias.
  • Name Alias – Another specified name for the specific product.
  • Variant SKU Alias – Another Variant SKU name for the specific product.
  • Assigned To – This will let you tag all the accounts you want to reflect that alias name.

The same process applies when creating a New Alias for a For Selling Alias Type.

Edit the Product Variant Alias:

Zayls allows you to edit the Product Variant Alias details to keep the system updated.

  1. In the Aliases tab, click plus beside the Product Variant name that you want to edit.
Alaxan FR button 1

2. Click Edit and edit the desired details you want to update and once you are done, click Save to save the changes or Cancel to retain the original details. A message will appear if the alias is updated successfully.

Edit alias

Disable a Product Variant Alias:

  1. In the Aliases tab, click plus beside the Product Variant name that you want to disable.
Alaxan FR button

2. Click Disable. A successful message will appear if the alias is disabled successfully.

Alaxan Disable Alias

Enable a Product Variant Alias:

  1. In the Aliases tab, click plus beside the Product Variant name that you want to enable.
Alaxan Enable Alias

2. Click Enable. A successful message will appear if the alias is enabled successfully.

Alaxan Enable Alias 1

Delete a Product Variant Alias:

  1. In the Aliases tab, click plus beside the Product Variant name that you want to delete.
Expand Alias

2. Click Disable.

Disable Alias

3. Click Delete.

Alaxan Delete Alias

4. A Delete confirmation dialog will appear. Click Delete to certainly remove the existing alias record or click Cancel to terminate your action.

5. A message will appear if the alias is deleted successfully.

Screenshot 2020 02 17 07 38 07

A Product Alias could be deleted anytime.

Why view product alias’ activity log?

  • To know who created the product alias;
  • To know who updated the product alias; and
  • To know what are the changes have been made.

To view Product Alias’ Activity Log:

  1. In the Aliases tab, click plus beside the Product Variant name that you want to view the activity log.
View Activity Log Alias

2. Click View Activity Log.

3. The system will redirect you to the Activity Log: Product Alias window.

The Activity Log will show the following to the admin:

  • The Date & Time the activity occurred;
  • The Action (Created, Updated, Deleted, Enabled, Disabled); and
  • The name of the user who made the activity

4. To see changes, click View Changes.

5. In the View Changes: Product Alias window, you will see all the added and removed details on that product.

Only accounts with admin account type can access the Activity Log.

See the Inventories of a Product

  1. Select an existing Product that you want to view the inventories.
  2. In the Product window, click Inventories.
  3. Click plus to see the inventory breakdown of a specific product in all of the warehouses.
Inventories Tab

This will display all the warehouses including the disabled warehouses. You can also filter by Warehouse to narrow down the results.

Add Comments in the Product:

The comment feature allows you to leave important messages to keep everyone informed.

  1. In the Product record, scroll down to the Comments section.
  2. Enter your message in the Comment box.
  3. You may also add attachments such as photos or files.  Click Add attachment below the Comment box. A Dialog box asking the location of the file will appear. Click the file you want to upload and then click Open.
  4. Once finished, click Post. A successful message will appear, and the new message will display on top of the conversation.
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Edit or Delete a Comment:

  1. Find the comment you want to edit or delete.
  2. Click Pic.
  3. To update the comment, click Edit. To delete the comment, click Delete.
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Only accounts with admin account type can delete comments made by other regular users.

Related Article: Import Product & Variants