Product Variants Overview | Zayls

by Zayls
6 years ago

Product Variants Overview

Product Variants Overview Columns:

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  • Category – This column displays the category you set in the specific product.
  • Name – This column displays the product name with SKU and its attribute.
  • Location – This column displays the warehouse the item is located. “All Locations” means all quantities being shown is for all warehouses in the system.
  • Buying Price – This column displays the amount of the specific product in terms of buying it from your suppliers.
  • Selling Price – This column displays the amount of the specific product in terms of selling it to your customers.
  • Quantity On Hand – This column displays the total quantity of stock in the warehouse.
  • Quantity Allocated – This column displays the total quantity of stock that has already been ordered. In short, this is the reserved quantity.
  • Quantity Available – This column displays the total quantity of stock that can be sold. Formula: (Quantity on Hand – Quantity Allocated)
  • Quantity Incoming – This column displays the total quantity of incoming stock. This will be displayed if the Purchase Order is not yet received.

Hover over some column names on the header of the reports to access the guide with a description of what information the column is displaying.

You can filter records in two ways:

  • Search by SKU
  • Using Filters

Search by SKU:

  1. Go to Search by SKU box at the top of the Product Variants list.
  2. In the Search by SKU box, type the SKU name or attribute value of the product you are searching for. The list will load the moment you stop typing.
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Using Filters:

  1. Click Filters beside the Search by SKU box.
  2. The records can be filtered by Product, Brand, Stock Type, Status (Enabled, Disabled, All), Category, and Location.
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Export Product Variants to PDF or Excel:

  1. In the Product Variants Overview, click Export. 
  2. There are two Export options: Export to PDF and Export to Excel. Click your desired format. 
  3. Upon clicking Export to Excel, an excel sheet will be automatically downloaded to your computer. 
  4. You may also view the Export History of the report.