Import Sales Price Matrix | Zayls

by Andre Sevilla
2 years ago

Import Sales Price Matrix

Import Sales Price Matrix

  1. In the Sales Price Matrices Overview, click the arrow beside the New Sales Price Matrix, the import button should appear. Click Import.
Screenshot 14

2. In the Import Sales Price Matrix show page, download the Sales Price Matrix template by clicking the Download Template link inside the Sales Price Matrix panel.

The dialog box will ask where you want the file to be stored in your computer or it will automatically be downloaded in your Download folder.

The title of the csv file for sales price matrices is sales_price_matrix_import_template.csv

Screenshot 15

3. You may open the import file using notepad or excel.

Fill out the import file with the required details. There’s an included column details in the import file that will guide you on what values to put in.

4. Click the Choose File link above the import button. This will open a dialog box asking you to choose the product file to upload. Click the file and the file name should reflect on the page. Also, the import button should now be clickable

5. Click the Import button.

Screenshot 16