Print, Duplicate, Void, or Delete a Delivery | Zayls

by Zayls
6 years ago

Print, Duplicate, Void, or Delete a Delivery

Print a Delivery: 

  1. Click the Delivery you want to print.  
  2. Click Print.

Sample Print File:  


Create an Invoice for a Delivery: 

  1. Click the Delivery you want to create an invoice. 
  2. Click Create Invoice. 
  3. In the New Invoice Window, the Customer, Sales Order, Payment Terms, Date Invoiced, Due Date, Product Variant/s, and its Quantity are already filled by default. You may enter your Remarks or update the Payment Terms, Date Invoiced, Date Received , or Product Variant Quantity. 
  4. Once done, click Save to save the transaction or Cancel to terminate the form. 
  5. A successful message will appear at the top-right-hand corner and you’ll be able to see the newly-created invoice. You can click the message to create another invoice.  

Duplicate a Delivery: 

  1. Click the Delivery you want to duplicate.  
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115
  3. Click Duplicate. The delivery details will be copied, and you may now edit details or add new items.  
  4. Once you’re done, click Save or Save and Deliver located at the bottom. A message will appear if the delivery is created successfully. 

Voida Delivery: 

  1. Click the Delivery you want to void.  
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115 
  3. Click Void.  

4. A Void confirmation dialog will appear. Click Void to void the existing delivery or click Cancel to terminate your action.   

5. A message will appear if the delivery is voided successfully.  


Editing is not allowed once a transaction has been voided.

If the user is not an Admin, functionalities such as edit, void, delete will not work after seven days of the transaction creation.  

Delete a Delivery: 

  1. Click the Delivery you want to delete.  
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115
  3. Click Delete.

4. A  Delete  confirmation dialog will appear. Click  Delete to delete existing delivery or click Cancel to terminate your action.   

5. A message will appear if delivery is deleted successfully.  

Screen Shot on Apr 11th at 03 12 PM

Deletion is only allowed when the delivery is Planned. 

Related Article: View Delivery Activity Log