View Daily Sales Entry Activity Log | Zayls

by Andre Sevilla
2 years ago

View Daily Sales Entry Activity Log

Why view a Daily Sales Entry‘s  activity log? 

  • To know who created the Daily Sales Entry
  • To know who updated the Daily Sales Entry and what changes were made


View a Daily Sales Entry’s Activity Log: 

  1. In the existing Daily Sales Entry, click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115
  2. Click View Activity Log. 
Screenshot 15 3

3. The system will redirect you to the daily sales entry’s Activity Log record.   

The Activity Log will show the admin:   

  • The Date & Time the activity occurred 
  • The Action (Created, Updated, Deleted)
  • The User who made the activity
Screenshot 16 3

4. To see the updated details, click ViewChanges. The system will redirect you to a page showing the removed and/or added details of that record.   

Screenshot 17 3