Printout Settings | Zayls

by Andre Sevilla
2 years ago

Printout Settings

In Zayls, printout settings are used to update the standard printout and include introductory and signature fields.

Printout Settings Overview 

You can filter records in two ways: 

  • Search by Template name
  • Using Filters

Search by name

  1. Go to Search by template name box at the top of the Printout Settings list. 
  2. In the Search by template name box, type the template name you are searching for. The list will load the moment you stop typing. 
Screenshot 1 9

Using Filters

  1. Click Filters beside the Search by name box. 
  2. The records can be filtered by the printout setting’s Status (Enabled, Disabled, All) and Module. 
Screenshot 2 8

Export Printout Settings to PDF and Excel

  1. In the Printout Settings Overview, click Export. 
  2. There are two Export options: Export to PDF and Export to Excel. Click your desired format. 
  3. Upon clicking your desired formatthe file will be automatically downloaded to your computer. 

Create a Printout Setting

  1. In the Printout Settings Overview, click New Printout Setting. 
Screenshot 3 6
  1. In the New Printout Setting dialog, enter the new Template’s Name and select the affected module after. You also need to enter the opening and closing texts to be used for the template. You may also include signatories by entering the label and the user.
  2. Once you are done, click Save to save the new printout setting or Cancel to terminate the form.
  3. A successful message will appear at the top-right corner.
Screenshot 4 6

Edit a Printout Setting

  1. Click the Printout Setting you want to edit. 
  2. Click Edit. 
Screenshot 5 6
  1. Enter the new details and then click Save located at the bottom. A message will appear if the printout setting is updated successfully. 


Enable a Printout Setting

  1. In the existing Printout Setting, click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115. 
  2. Click Enable. 
Screenshot 6 5
  1. A successful message will appear. The Disabled Status beside the printout settings name will change to Enabled. 


Disable a Printout Setting

  1. In the existing Printout Setting, click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115. 
  2. Click Disable. 
Screenshot 7 5
  1. A successful message will appear. The Enabled Status beside the printout setting name will change to Disabled. 


Delete a Printout Setting

  1. In the existing Printout Setting, click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115. 
  2. Click Delete 
Screenshot 8 3
  1. A message will appear if the printout setting is deleted successfully.  

View a Printout Setting’s Activity Log

  1. In the existing Printout Setting, click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115. 
  2. Click View Activity Log. 
Screenshot 9 4
  1. The system will redirect you to the printout setting’s Activity Log record. 
  2. The Activity Log will show the admin: 
  • The Date & Time the activity occurred;
  • The Action (Created, Updated, Deleted, Enabled, Disabled); and
  • The User who made the activity.
Screenshot 10 4
  1. To see the updated details, click View Changes. The system will redirect you to a page showing the removed and/or added details of that record. 
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