User Roles | Zayls

by Zayls
5 years ago

User Roles

The User Roles module is a page where administrators can manage which modules Zayls users can access.

User Roles Overview 

You can filter records in two ways: 

  • Search by name 
  • Using Filters 

Search by name:  

  1. Go to Search by name box at the top of the User Roles list. 
  2. In the Search by name box, type the name of the user role you are searching for. The list will load the moment you stop typing. 
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Using Filters:

  1. Click Filters beside the Search by name box. 
  2. The records can be filtered by user roles Status (Enabled, Disabled, All). 
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Export User Roles to PDF and Excel: 

  1. In the User Roles Overview, click Export.
  2. There are two Export options: Export to PDF and Export to Excel. Click your desired format. 
  3. Upon clicking your desired formatthe file will be automatically downloaded to your computer. 

Create a New User Role: 

  1. In the User Roles Overview, click New User Role. 
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  1. In the New User Role window, enter the new user role’s NameDescription, and select the ViewModify, and Approve or Reconcile checkbox per module that you want the user role to access.
  2. Once you are done, click Save to save the new user role or Cancel to terminate the form. A message will appear if the user role is created successfully.

Edit a User Role 

Zayls allows you to edit a user role permission to keep the system updated.  

  1. Select an existing User Role that you want to edit. 
  2. Click Edit. 
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3. Select the desired permissions you want to update and once you are done, click Save to save the changes or Cancel to retain the original permissions. A message will appear if the user role is updated successfully.  

The users that are tagged to a user role that you currently edited must log out and log in again to apply the changes.  

Disable a User Role: 

  1. Select an existing User Role that you want to disable. 
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115. 
  3. Click Disable. 
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4. A message will appear and the status will change, if the user role, is disabled successfully.  

Enable a User Role: 

  1. Select a disabled User Role that you want to enable.  
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115. 
  3. Click Enable. 
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  1. A message will appear and the status will change, if the user role, is enabled successfully.  

View User Role Activity Log:  

Why view a user role’s activity log? 

  • To know who created the user role; 
  • To know who updated the user role; and 
  • To know what changes are made. 

To View a User Role’s Activity Log: 

  1. Select an existing User Role that you want to view the activity log.
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115. 
  3. Click View Activity Log 
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  1. The system will redirect you to the Activity Log: User Role window.  
  2. The Activity Log will show the following to the admin: 
  • The Date & Time the activity occurred; 
  • The Action (Created, Updated, Deleted, Enabled, Disabled); and 
  • The User who made the activity 
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  1. To see changes, click View Changes.
  2. In the View Changes: User Role window, you will see all the added and removed details on that user.  
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Only admin account types can access User Roles.

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