Enable/Disable or Delete an Account | Zayls

by Zayls
5 years ago

Enable/Disable or Delete an Account

Why disable an account?
  • They are no longer your customer or supplier
  • You do not want them appearing in the transaction drop-down (this will lessen human error)
Disable an Account:
  1. In the Account tab, click Screenshot 9.
  2. Click Disable.
Account Disable

3. A message and a status will appear if the account is disabled successfully.

Account Disable 2

The Edit will not be visible if the Account is currently disabled. Also, a disabled account will not be displayed in the dropdowns

Why enable an account?
  • The account has become your supplier or customer again after a long time of inactivity
  • To make the account appear when doing a transaction (ex: Purchase Order and Sales Order)
Enable an Account:
  1. In the Account tab, click Screenshot 9.
  2. Click Enable.
Account Disable 3

3. A message and a status will appear if the account is enabled successfully.

Account Disable 4

The Edit will be visible again if the Account is currently enabled.

Delete an Account:
  1. In the Account tab, click Screenshot 9.
  2. Click Delete.
Account Delete

3. A Delete confirmation dialog will appear. Click Delete to remove the account record or click Cancel to terminate your action. You can also tick the checkbox if you want to delete related contact persons.

Account Delete 2

4. A message will appear if the account is deleted successfully.