Why can’t I delete this transaction? | Zayls

by Zayls
3 years ago

Why can’t I delete this transaction?

A transaction may not be deleted due to various reasons:

  1. User role prohibits modifying (deleting, editing, etc.)
    • User accounts have specific user roles that limit their accessibility. Transactions cannot be deleted by some users because their user roles do not allow them to modify the transaction. Some users may only be allowed to view and/or verify the transaction.

To read more on User Roles: User Roles

2. Transaction status
  • The status of a transaction can also determine if it can still be deleted. For example, transactions that have a Pending or Planned status can still be deleted; however, if transactions are already Approved, then it can no longer be deleted.


3. The transaction has a child transaction.
  • This is applicable to transactions that are the basis of other transactions. If new transactions are made based from the information indicated from the parent transaction, then the parent transaction can no longer be deleted. For example, a Sales Order cannot be deleted anymore if there’s a DR, SR, Invoice. etc.


4. Auto Archive age has lapsed.
  • The Auto Archive Age can be found in Company Settings. The Auto Archive Age determines the number of days that a record can still be edited. If the number of days from the last update of the record exceeds the Auto Archive Age, then regular users can no longer edit; however, admins still can.
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