Daily Sales Summary Overview | Zayls

by Angelica San Juan
2 years ago

Daily Sales Summary Overview

Daily Sales Summary is the summary created daily to track the daily cash flows per location. Users can input details such as the cashier on duty, daily foot traffic, beginning cash on hand, cash ins and outs, and cash denomination.

On this listing page, you will be able to see daily sales summary details such as the DS#, date, location, and the total cash sale.


You can filter records in two ways:

  • Search by DS#
  • Using Filters


Search by DS#:

1. Go to Search by DS# box at the top of the Daily Sales Summary list.

2. In the Search by DS# box, type the DS# that you are searching for. The list will load the moment you stop typing.

3. Click the DS# to see more details.

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Using Filters:

1. Click Filters beside the Search by DS# box. It will show you parameter/s that will help narrow down the results.


  • Date From – the daily sales summaries will filter from the date selected
  • Date To – the daily sales summaries will filter to the date selected
  • Location – the daily sales summaries will filter based on the location selected
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Export Daily Sales Summaries to PDF or Excel:

  1. In the Daily Sales Summaries Overview, click Export. 
  2. There are three Export options: Export to PDF, Export to Excel, and Export to Excel (Detailed). Click your desired format. 
  3. Upon clicking your desired formatthe file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.
  4. You may also view the Export History of the report.