Create or Edit a Stock Adjustment | Zayls

by Zayls
6 years ago

Create or Edit a Stock Adjustment

Create a New Stock Adjustment:

  1. In the Stock Adjustments Overview, click New Stock Adjustment.
New SA Stock Adjustment Module

2. In the New Stock Adjustment window, select the Location then click Add Item.


3. In the Add Item window, search the item/s by category or product then click Search Items. Select the necessary item/s then click if IN or OUT.

The flow of the adjustment (In/Out) means if the adjustment will be added use IN or deduct from the inventory use OUT.


4. Input the necessary details (Quantity, Unit Cost, Adjustment Type)

The Remarks is an optional field.


5. Once you are done, click Save to save the transaction or Save&Approve to save the transaction then process the stock transfer or Cancel to terminate the form.

6. A successful message will appear and you can click the successful message to create another stock adjustment transaction.

the Unit Cost of the stock being adjusted would be VAT-exclusive or Net of VAT and would be directly added or deducted from the current inventory cost

Edit a Stock Adjustment:                        

Zayls allows you to edit Stock Adjustment details to keep the system updated.

  1. Select an existing Stock Adjustment that you want to edit. Stock adjustments that are Finalized cannot be edited.
  2. Click Edit.

3. Edit the desired details you want to update and once you are done, click Save to save the transaction or Save & Approve to save the transaction then process the stock transfer or Cancel to terminate the form. A message will appear if the stock adjustment is updated successfully.

Add Comments in the Stock Adjustment:

The comment feature allows you to leave important messages to keep everyone informed.

  1. In the Stock Adjustment record scroll down to view the comments section.
  2. Enter your message in the Comment box.
  3. You may also add attachments such as photos or files.  Click Add attachment below the Comment box. A Dialog box asking the location of the file will appear. Click the file you want to upload and then click Open.
  4. Once finished, click Post. A successful message will appear, and the new message will display on top of the conversation.

Edit or Delete a Comment:

  1. Find the comment you want to edit or delete.
  2. Click Pic.
  3. To update the comment, click Edit. To delete the comment, click Delete.

Only accounts with admin account type can delete comments made by other regular users.

Related Article: Import Stock Adjustments