Inventory Stocktakes Overview | Zayls

by Zayls
3 years ago

Inventory Stocktakes Overview

Inventory Stocktakes is a feature that allows you to perform an inventory count of items in a particular warehouse. This function is essential in ensuring that the count of the items in the system is equal to the actual count of the items in the inventory. Usually, companies can implement an Inventory Stocktake at the end of the month, quarterly, or at the end of the year for an accurate inventory process.


You can filter records in two ways:
  • Search by IS #, Stocktake Name
  • Using Filters
Search by IS #, Stocktake Name:
  1. Go to Search by IS #, Stocktake Name box at the top of the Inventory Stocktakes list.
  2. In the Search by IS #, Stocktake Name box, type the number of the inventory stocktake and/or Stocktake Name you are searching for. The list will load the moment you stop typing.
IS1 1
Using Filters:
  1. Click Filters beside the Search by IS # box.
  2. The records can be filtered by Date From, Date To, Location, and Status (In Progress, Completed, Finalized, and Voided).
Export Inventory Stocktake to PDF or Excel:
  1. In the Inventory Stocktakes Overview, click Export. 
  2. There are three Export options: Export to PDF, Export to Excel, and Export to Excel (Detailed). Click your desired format. 
  3. Upon clicking your desired formatthe file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.
  4. You may also view the Export History of the report.