Purchase Requisitions Overview | Zayls

by Zayls
3 years ago

Purchase Requisitions Overview

A Purchase Requisition (PRQ) is an internal document issued by an employee of a company to request a purchase of a product. This is usually done when a product needs restocking. Internal employees may send a Purchase Requisition to the Purchasing department for them to formally compose a Purchase Order to the corresponding supplier of the product.


You can filter records in two ways:
  • Search by PRQ #, Reference #
  • Using Filters


Search by PRQ #, Reference #:

1. Go to Search by PRQ #, Reference # box at the top of the Purchase Requisitions list.

2. In the Search by PRQ #, Reference # box, type the purchase requisition number or the reference number you are searching for. The list will load the moment you stop typing.

3. Click the PRQ # to see the purchase requisition details.

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Using Filters:

1. Click Filters beside the Search by PRQ #, Reference # box. It will show you several parameters that will help to narrow down results.

  • Date From — will show records starting from the date selected
  • Date To — will show records up to the date selected
  • Supplier — will show records involving the supplier selected
  • Location— will show records involving the location selected
  • Target Delivery Date From — will show records up to the date selected
  • Target Delivery Date To — will show records up to the date selected
  • Status — will show records with the status (Pending, Approved, Closed, Voided) selected
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Filters can be used simultaneously to narrow down results.

Export Purchase Requisitions to PDF or Excel:
  1. In the Purchase Requisitions Overview, click Export. 
  2. There are three Export options: Export to PDF, Export to Excel, and Export to Excel (Detailed). Click your desired format. 
  3. Upon clicking your desired formatthe file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.
  4. You may also view the Export History of the report.
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