Accounts Payable Aging Report | Zayls

by Zayls
5 years ago

Accounts Payable Aging Report

Accounts Payable Aging Report gives a detailed view of all outstanding bills and balances you owe to the suppliers as of a certain date and based on the following timeline: current, 1 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, 61 to 90 days, and more than 90 days past the due date.   


Accounts Payable Aging Report Overview


Report Filters

  • Search By — This filter will enable the user to filter by form type and number (Bill #, PR #, Reference #).
  • As of – This filter will show the suppliers and their overdue amounts from the date selected.
  • Supplier – This filter will show the overdue amounts of the supplier/s selected.

By default, the report shows the accounts payable as of the current date. 

The Supplier filter is multi-select, which means that you can have as many suppliers as possible to get your desired results.  

Accounts Payable Aging Report Columns

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  • Supplier  This column shows all suppliers involved in the transactions.
  • Transaction # — This column shows the transaction number of the corresponding balance breakdown. The breakdown can be shown by clicking the toggle button on the left of the supplier name.
  • Date – This column shows the dates the transactions were made.
  • Due Date – This column shows the due dates of the transactions.
  • Current – This column shows the amounts you currently owe to the suppliers.
  • 1-30 – This column shows the overdue amounts you owe to the suppliers 1 to 30 days past the due date.
  • 31-60 – This column shows the overdue amounts you owe to the suppliers 31 to 60 days past the due date.
  • 61-90 – This column shows the overdue amounts you owe to the suppliers 61 to 90 days past the due date.
  • >90 – This column shows the overdue amounts you owe to the suppliers at least 90 days past the due date.
  • Balance – This column shows the total amounts you owe to the suppliers.

Hover over some column names on the header of the reports to access the guide with a description of what information the column is displaying.

Export Accounts Payable Aging Report to PDF or Excel

  1. In the Accounts Payable Aging Report, click Export. 
  2. There are two Export options: Export to PDF and Export to Excel. Click your desired format. 
  3. Upon clicking your desired formatthe file will be automatically downloaded to your computer. 
  4. You may also view the Export History of the report.