Serialized Inventory | Zayls

by Zayls
4 years ago

Serialized Inventory History Report

Serialized Inventory History report contains detailed records of the products with their SKU, serial #, warehouses, and inventory cost. The primary purpose of this report is to give a historical and current inventory movement of all serialized inventory reports.

Serialized Inventory History Report Overview

serialized inventory history

Report Filters

  • As Of Date – This filter will show all products and current on-hand quantities from the date selected.
  • Serial # – This filter will show the product with the exact serial #.
  • Brand – This filter will show all products of the brand selected.
  • Category – This filter will show all products of the category selected.
  • Product – This filter will show all product variants of the product selected.
  • Product variant – This filter will show all selected product variants of a product.
  • Location – This filter will show all serialized items in the location/s selected.

The Include disabled products button allows you to show previously disabled products.

All the filters are multi-select except for the Date and Serial # filter, which means that you can have as many filters as possible to get your desired results.

Serialized Inventory Report Columns

  • Product – This column shows all products and its SKU.
  • Serial # – This column shows the serial number of the product.
  • First Date Added – This column shows the date the serialized product was first added to the inventory.
  • Location – This column shows the location where the product is currently located.
  • Inventory Cost – This column shows the total value of the product.

If the Header/ Table Column Name of the report is blue, then the column is sortable.

Export Serialized Inventory Report to PDF or Excel

  1. In the Serialized Inventory Report, click Export. 
  2. There are two Export options: Export to PDF and Export to Excel. Click your desired format. 
  3. Upon clicking your desired formatthe file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.