Supplier Balance Report | Zayls

by Zayls
3 years ago

Supplier Balance Report

Supplier Balance Report is a summary report of a company’s outstanding balance to a supplier. This report shows an overview of the current Bill Balance, Purchase Returns Balance, Payment Entry Balance, and the total Final Balance.

Supplier Balance Report Overview

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Report Filters

  • Supplier Group – This filter will show the suppliers that belong to the group/s selected.
  • Supplier – This filter will show the suppliers selected.

Supplier Balance Report Columns

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  • Supplier Group – This column shows the supplier group of the supplier.
  • Supplier – This column shows all the suppliers selected.
  • Bill Balance – This column shows the current bill balance that the company has to a supplier.
  • Purchase Returns Balance – This column shows the balance of items that will be returned by the company to the supplier.
  • Payment Entry Balance – This column shows the balance of advance payments by the company to the supplier.
  • Final Balance – This column shows the final balance of the company to the supplier given the following balances.

Final Balance = Bill Balance – Purchase Returns Balance – Payment Entry Balance

A parenthesis around the final balance amount indicates a negative balance — supplier owes money to the company.

Export Supplier Balance Report to PDF or Excel

  1. In the Supplier Balance Report, click Export.
  2. There are two Export options: Export to PDF and Export to Excel. Click your desired format.
  3. Upon clicking your desired formatthe file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.
  4. You may also view the Export History by clicking View Export History.

Related article: Customer Balance Report