Create or Edit a Job Order | Zayls

by Zayls
4 years ago

Create or Edit a Job Order

Create a Job Order: 

There are several ways to create a job order: 

  • Create job orders inside the Sales Workflow 
  • Create job orders using Job Order Module 


Create job orders inside the Sales Workflow: 

  1. Click the Sales Orderyou want to make a job order with. 
  2. In the Job Orders pane, click Add. 
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  1. In the New Job Order Window, the Customer, Sales Order, and Job Location,Item/s and its Quantity are already filled by default. You may enter your Remarks or update the Job Location, Due Date, and Start Date.
  2. Once done, click Save or Save and Start to save the transaction or Cancel to terminate the form. 
  • Save and Startwill save and will tag the transaction as Started.
  • Save will save the transaction. This will save the JO details and will be tagged as Scheduled. 
  1. A successful message will appear at the top-right hand corner and you’ll be able to see the newly created job order. You can click the message to create another job order.  
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  1. When you go back to the Sales Order, you will be able to see that the Job Orders panel has updated and is now displaying the newly created job order.
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Create job orders using the Job Orders Module: 

  1. In the Job Orders overview, click New Job Order. 
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  1. Select a Sales Order and click Next. 
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  1. After arriving at the New Job Orders form, you may now fill-out the details.
  2. Once finished, you may click Save or Save and Start to save the transaction or Cancel to terminate the form.
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You can mark the JO as Finished simply by clicking the Finish button and inputting the Finished Date of the JO.

JO# is auto-generated but you can override and type in a different number. To check the form’s next auto-generated numbers, click here. 

Edit a Job Order inside the Sales Workflow: 

  1. In the Sales Orders overview, click a Sales Order. 
  2. In the Job Orders pane, click the Job Order Number.  
  3. Click Edit.   
  4. Enter the new details and then click Save or Save and Start located at the bottom. A message will appear if the delivery is saved successfully.    


Edit a Job Order using Job Orders Module: 

  1. Click the Job Orderyou want to edit.  
  2. Click Edit.   
  3. Enter the new details and then click Save or Save and Start located at the bottom. A message will appear if the delivery is saved successfully. 
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If you are not able to create or edit a Job Order that means the admin did not give you access to Job Order – Modify. 

If the user is not an Admin, functionalities such as edit, void, delete will not work after seven days of the transaction creation.  

Add Comments to a Job Orders:    

The comment feature allows you to leave important messages to keep everyone informed.

  1. In the Job Order record, click the Comments tab.    
  2. Enter your message in the Comment box.    
  3. You may also add attachments such as photos or files. Click Add attachment below the Comment box. A Dialog box asking the location of the file will appear. Click the file you want to upload and then click Open.    
  4. Once finished, click Post. A successful message will appear, and the new message will display on top of the conversation. 
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Edit or Delete a Comment:    

  1. Find the comment you want to edit or delete.     
  2. Click  Pic.    
  3. To update the comment, click Edit. To delete the comment, click Delete.  

Only accounts with admin account type can delete comments made by other regular users.