Print, Duplicate, Void, or Delete a Billing Statement | Zayls

by Zayls
4 years ago

Print, Duplicate, Void, or Delete a Billing Statement

Print a Billing Statement:

  1. Click the Billing Statement you want to print.
  2. Click Print.
BA 140 Screenshot 1

Sample Print File:

BA 140 Screenshot 2

Duplicate a Billing Statement:

  1. Click the Billing Statement you want to duplicate.
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115.
  3. Click Duplicate. The billing statement details will be copied, and you may now edit details or add new items.
  4. Once you’re done, click Save located at the bottom. A message will appear if the billing statement is created successfully.
BA 140 Screenshot 3

Void a Billing Statement:

  1. Click the Billing Statement you want to void.
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115.
  3. Click Void.
BA 140 Screenshot 4
  1. A Void confirmation dialog will appear. Click Void to void the existing invoice or click Cancel to terminate your action.
  2. A message will appear if the invoice is voided successfully.
BA 140 Screenshot 5

Editing is not allowed once a transaction has been voided.

If the user is not an Admin, functionalities such as edit, void, delete will not work after seven days of the transaction creation.

Delete a Billing Statement:

  1. Click the Billing Statement you want to delete.
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115.
  3. Click Delete.
BA 140 Screenshot 6
  1. A Delete confirmation dialog will appear. Click Delete to delete the existing invoice or click Cancel to terminate your action.
  2. A message will appear if the invoice is deleted successfully.
BA 140 Screenshot 7

Deletion is only allowed when there is no collection transaction linked to the billing statements.