Print, Duplicate, Void, or Delete a Daily Sales Entry | Zayls

by Andre Sevilla
2 years ago

Print, Duplicate, Void, or Delete a Daily Sales Entry

Print a Daily Sales Entry: 

  1. Click  the  Daily Sales Entry  you want to print.  
  2. Click  Print. 
Screenshot 8 2

Sample Print File:

Screenshot 9 3

Duplicate a Daily Sales Entry: 

  1. Click the  Daily Sales Entry you want to duplicate.  
  2. Click  Screenshot 9 e1655437899115 
  3. Click  Duplicate. The sales order details will be copied, and you may now edit details or add new items.  
  4. Once you’re done, click Save  located at the bottom. A message will appear if the daily sales entry is created successfully. 
Screenshot 10 3

Voida Daily Sales Entry: 

  1. Click the  Daily Sales Entry you want to void.  
  2. Click  Screenshot 9 e1655437899115 
  3. Click  Void.  
Screenshot 11 3

4. A Void confirmation dialog will appear. Click Void to void the existing daily sales entry or click Cancel to terminate your action.   

5. A message will appear if the daily sales entry is voided successfully.  

Screenshot 12 2

Editing is not allowed once a transaction has been voided. Printing, duplicating of DSE details, and viewing the activity log are the only actions allowed after voiding. 

Delete a Daily Sales Entry: 

  1. Click the Daily Sales Entry you want to delete.  
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115
  3. Click Delete.  
Screenshot 13 3

4. A  Delete  confirmation dialog will appear. Click  Delete  to delete existing daily sales entry or click  Cancel to terminate your action.   

5. A message will appear if the daily sales entry is deleted successfully.  

Screenshot 14 3

Deletion is only allowed when the daily sales entry has no consolidated SO.