Print, Verify, Duplicate, Void, or Delete an Official Receipt | Zayls

by Zayls
4 years ago

Print, Verify, Duplicate, Void, or Delete an Official Receipt

Print an Official Receipt:

  1. Click the Official Receipt you want to print.
  2. Click Print.

Sample Print File:


Verify an Official Receipt:

Verifying an official receipt will make it non-editable. This is a safeguard measure to keep the record’s integrity.

  1. Click the Official Receipt you want to reconcile.
  2. Click Verify.
  3. A successful message will appear at the top-right corner.

Only users with Official Receipt – Verify access can verify. To know more about User Roles, click here.

Unverify an Official Receipt:

Unverifying an Official Receipt will make it editable for all users.

  1. Click the Official Receipt you want to Unverify.
  2. Click Unverify.
  3. A successful message will appear at the top-right corner.

Duplicate an Official Receipt:

  1. Click the Official Receipt you want to duplicate.
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115
  3. Click Duplicate. The official receipt details will be copied, and you may now edit details or add new items.
  4. Once you’re done, click  Save located at the bottom. A message will appear if the official receipt is created successfully.

Void an Official Receipt:

  1. Click the Official Receipt you want to void.
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115
  3. Click Void.
  1. A  Void  confirmation dialog will appear. Click  Void  to void the existing official receipt or click  Cancel to terminate your action.
  2. A message will appear if the official receipt is voided successfully.
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Official Receipts that have been verified cannot be voided.

Editing is not allowed once a transaction has been voided.

If the user is not an Admin, functionalities such as edit, void, delete will not work after seven days of the transaction creation.

Delete an Official Receipt:

  1. Click the Official Receipt you want to delete.
  2. Click Screenshot 9 e1655437899115
  3. Click Delete.
  1. A  Delete  confirmation dialog will appear. Click  Delete  to delete the existing official receipt or click  Cancel  to terminate your action.
  2. A message will appear if the official receipt is deleted successfully.
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Official Receipts that have been verified cannot be deleted.